About Eva
She started to practice yoga in 2008 after she had a heart surgery. As a sadhaka of ashtanga yoga and advaita vedanta, she travels every year to India to spend time with her Guru R. Sharath Jois and to Portugal to BabaJi Mooji.
“As a teacher we have a huge responsibility. Through our daily sadhana experience our life should be the evidence of the practice we do.
Applying the yamas and niyamas, karma yoga, Self-enquiry and bhakti yoga is the way I spend my days for many years. Through the practice of ashtanga yoga the physical body gains many health benefits every day. But the experience of unchanging stillness and silence inside of my Being is the greatest gift I have recieved.
It’s an immense honor to receive the blessing from GuruJi R. Sharath Jois to teach.
With deep gratitude in my heart I bow to him, to my parents (for their support, care, love and understanding), to BabaJi Mooji and to all the teachers I learned from.“
Thank you, with gratitude,